Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ian McQue inspired Flying Rig part 2

I added some panels to the super structure and started to build out the front end. I've also added a couple of kit parts to the top.

I was at a local stationary shop (which has an odd assortment of model kits in the back) and I spotted a 1:35 scale M-977 HEMTT heavy truck. I thought the cab was very interesting looking, so I picked it up thinking this would save me from building the cab from scratch. I wasn't sure how well it would fit or look, but I threw caution to wind and bought it.

I'm liking how it looks and I'm glad I don't have to detail the interior myself, since this was really supposed to be a quick, low-stress diversion from my other model.

I built the engine up separately, so I could more easily paint it. The white fairing is made from some 1" diameter styrene rod. The engine itself is mostly from the AMT Pod Racer kit and some bottom-of-the-barrel kit parts since they will mostly be in the shadows.

After a dusting of primer:

in situ:

1 comment:

  1. This is a great start. I'm looking forward to seeing how this project progresses particularly how you tackle an Ian McQue style paint job.
