Sunday, May 26, 2024

Hitachi Construction Mech [part 2]

 Next up, painting. I base coated the mechanical parts with German grey and the rest with a dark brown steel color, followed by a light mist of hairspray, then finally a custom orange red mix.

 As usual with orange, it took several coats to build any kind of opacity. Having the dark undercoat didn't help. When chipping, the water seemed to reactivate the orange acrylic paint making it smear around and also resulting in chips that were larger and less subtle than I wanted. 

I also painted and weathered the inside of the cab, since it would be inaccessible once I glued in the windscreen.

Everything was assembled and I applied the decals.

I added some mud to the feet and legs, trying to simulate the effect of the mud drying out as it gets further from the feet.

Finally, I made a simple base from a wooden craft store plaque. I created some ground cover from plaster and paper pulp and then painted it to match the muddy feet.

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